
Ramadhan 2025/1446

2025 Timetable

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Please contact Ismail Surty on 07980811427.

Mosque Extension and Renovation


Alhamdulillah, by the grace and blessing of Allah Subhanahu Wata’aalaa the Masjid-E-Noor Extension and Renovation is now almost complete. This has only been made possible through the Fadhl of Allah Ta‘aalaa and through the kind and sincere generosity initially from within the local community and well-wishers like yourselves.

We are very much indebted to you and remain in prayer that Allah Ta‘aalaa reward you and your family for the generous support and affection you have shown towards the Masjid-E-Noor project, and make it a means of acquiring His eternal pleasure in the Hereafter. Aameen.

Monday 10 February 2025

Beginning Times
Sehri End 05:46
Subh-Sadiq 05:53
Sunrise 07:33
Zawaal 12:23
Zohar 12:26
Asar 15:24
Maghrib 17:17
Isha 18:51
Jamaat Times
Fajr 07:00
Zohar 13:00
Asar 16:10
Maghrib 17:17
Isha 19:30
1st Jamaat 13:00
2nd Jamaat 13:45